Brooklyn New York
Origami Online

Brooklyn Origami - Bullfrog

Brooklyn Origami - Bullfrog

[5] Curl the top layer of paper so that point A extends past edge XY but do not crease. This will create a triangular flap. The top edge of this triangular flap should intersect point Z, point Z is located slightly below the halfway point of edge XY.
[6] This is how the model should look after completing step 5. Note that you have not creased edge CB yet and that the top edge (edge BA) of the triangular flap intersects point Z. For Step 6, rotate the model so that edge CA is horizontal.
Brooklyn Origami - Bullfrog

Brooklyn Origami - Bullfrog

[7] Triangle CBA will become the bullfrog's first leg. Adjust it's size by pulling point A to the right. Use point X as a guide to folding the leg. Point A should not extend past point X; instead point A should fall just a bit short of being directly below point X. When point A is in the right position, (the position shown above is perfect) crease edge CB, edge BA must still be intersecting point Z when you crease down.
[8] Turn the model over.


